Bienale Koper
FIRE 1: Music Symposium - concert
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Event Date: Nov 29, 2024

Event Time: 7:00 pm

Location: Dvorana Pokrajinskega muzeja Koper /Koper Regional Museum


Music Symposium - concert
in collaboration with Zavod SPLOH

Uroš Rojko (1954)
Music Symposium
for 6 musicians and the play of sound frescoes from his own artistic works in the age of technical reproducibilityi (2024) 
I.    Več Luči
II.    Korak
III.    Cold Song
IV.    Simpozij
Vinko Globokar (1934) 
Par une forêt de symboles
(Through the Forest of Symbols, 1986) for 6 musicians ad libitum

Performers: Irena Z. Tomažin, Anja Clift, Špela Mastnak, Uroš Rojko, Matej Šarc, Luka Juhart

The Music Symposium is a celebration and homage to two giants of Slovenian contemporary composition whose music resonates far beyond our borders. Vinko Globokar and Uroš Rojko boast rich international careers and are highly innovative and recognizable authors, each in their own unique way. The concert will feature Globokar's work "Through the Forest of Symbols" (1986) and Rojko's new piece, "Music Symposium" (2024), created specifically for this occasion.

Globokar's composition "Through the Forest of Symbols" (1986) for six ad libitum musicians is an open and fluid work designed for six performers, one singer, and five instrumentalists, who are to be selected according to the precise yet adaptable criteria presented at the beginning of the score. This score consists of 57 pages, the order of which the author requests not to be followed. He suggests shuffling the pages to reinvent the work.

Uroš Rojko has accepted Luka Juhart's challenge and created a new work, "Music Symposium," for six musicians and a play of sound frescoes from his own artistic works in the age of technical reproducibility. The symposium is conceived as a gathering, a ritual of discourse between prepared, acousmatic sound material and the responses of the musicians. Sound recordings in the form of samples, created by technologically manipulating fragments, figures, and sections of selected works composed at other times, are placed at the center as a retrospective "genetic record" that, through the reactions and commentary of live musicians, preserves and transforms its presence in the present.

Opcija 2: Neformalni slog, poudarek