Bienale Koper
SPARK III: Introduction to the CD of Luisa Antoni: Resonating Rustlings
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Event Date: Nov 28, 2024

Event Time: 8:30 pm

Location: Koncertna dvorana GŠ Koper - Koper Music School Hall


Price: free entrance

Introduction to the CD of Luisa Antoni:
Resonating Rustlings - a Sonic Journey from Venice to the Balkans,
Through Čedad, Trieste and Piran

Presentation: Simona Moličnik
Live broadcasting from Koper Music School - by Radio Koper

- l sogno après M° T
Tommaso Luison, violin

- ...anche se lontano appoggiato sul mio cuore....
Alessandra Trentin, harp

- Bilečanka
Margherita Crisetig, sax and Beatrice Zonta, piano

- Nini sine
Francesca Cescon, flute
Tommaso Luison, violin

- Adelaide
Tommaso Luison, violin
Alessandra Trentin, harp

- Vermeer
Francesca Cescon, flute
Alessandra Trentin, harp

- Istrska
Maria Iaiza and Luca Chiandotto, 2 pianos

Born in Trieste, Luisa Antoni pursued parallel studies in music (earning a degree in piano) and philosophy (graduating with a doctorate in the philosophy of music). Her doctoral dissertation was published in both Italian and Slovenian in 2010. She furthered her studies in harpsichord and fortepiano with I. Gregoletto and E. Fadini, and participated in numerous masterclasses (C. Stembridge). She was a member of the chamber ensemble ReSonare Consort. After working as a journalist for RAI FVG-FJK and Radio 3, she joined RTV Slovenia, the Slovenian national radio and television station, where she currently serves as a cultural journalist in the Italian cultural section of the regional headquarters in Koper-Capodistria. She studied composition with F. Nieder, M. Cardi, M. Bonifacio, A. Corghi, R. Vaglini, F. Fanticini, and S. Fontanelli. Her compositions have won awards at composition competitions and have been performed in Europe and the United States.

Tommaso Luison graduated from the Vicenza Conservatory under the guidance of G. Guglielmo, later specializing with D. Nordi, I. Gruber, and E. Porti. In the field of chamber music, he perfected his skills at the Tria di Trieste school, with K. Bogin and Tria Altenberg. He performs as a soloist and in chamber ensembles, and collaborates with orchestras such as the Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto, Teatro Lirico Petruzzelli di Bari, and Orchestra Regionale Filarmonia Veneta. He has performed with ensembles including Trio Malipiero, Ensemble Musagète, La Calandria, Ensemble Concordanze, and Solisti Filarmonici Italiani, and has toured Europe, the United States, and Asia. In 2008, as the winner of a competition, he joined the orchestra of the Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bologna, where he worked until 2021. He is dedicated to the in-depth study of Baroque performance practice, with a particular focus on the Tartini school. In 2009, he graduated with honors in literature and philosophy from the University of Padua. He participates in international musicological conferences and serves as the editor of the national edition of Tartini's works for the Bärenreiter publishing house. Through his popular YouTube channel, he shares his knowledge of violin teaching and violin-related topics in Italy. Since the 2021/2022 academic year, he has been a full professor of violin at the 'E. F. Dall'Abaco' Conservatory in Verona.

After graduating in harp from the Venice Conservatory, Alessandra Trentin specialized under E. Vio, S. Mildonian, U. Holliger, and A. Lozer. She began her concert career at a very young age, performing as a soloist and chamber musician in venues such as Teatro La Fenice, Teatro Malibran, and Teatro Goldoni in Venice, Teatro Duse in Asolo, Teatro Due Torri in Potenza, Teatro Comunale in Treviso, Wiener Saal Mozarteum in Salzburg, Teatro Principal in Palencia, Spain, and Sala Mozart in Bologna for institutions like S.I.E.M., the Venice Biennale, Gioventù Musicale d'Italia, A.Gi.Mus., Festival Bellagio and Lake Como, Festival RomaEuropa, and Amici della Musica di Mestre. She has recorded for radio and television (RAI, Swiss Radio, Radio Vaticana, Venezia Classic, and private radio stations) and collaborated with various orchestras. Composers such as Amendola, Caniato, Grasso, Mancuso, Rebora, and Zatti have written works for her and dedicated their compositions to her. She has premiered numerous works by composers including Alessandretti, Antoni, Baratello, Karchin, Kern, Khayami, Michielon, Razaz, Rossi, and Spinosa. She conducts international masterclasses at prestigious venues such as the Gran Teatro La Fenice in Venice, Nervi, and Gualdo Tadino.

Margherita Crisetig began studying the saxophone at the age of 12 under L. Allegretto. In 2003, she continued her studies at the J. Tomadini Conservatory in Udine and later at the A. Buzzolla Conservatory in Adria (RO) under M. Giovannelli. In 2009, she graduated from the B. Marcello Conservatory of Venice under the guidance of M. Vannio. In 2012, she obtained a second-level academic degree in saxophone with honors and commendation at the Conservatory of Udine in the class of F. Paoletti. She attended numerous masterclasses with various professors, such as E. Rousseau, M. Gerboni, F. Mondelci, M. Marzi, A. Domizi, A. Padilla, and C. Delangle. She is currently a member of several chamber ensembles, including the duo Sparkle with percussionist Francesco Hrast, the duo Dispari with guitarist Giulio Pizzolongo, the trio Inspiracion, the quintet Son du Xangô, and the sextet Blackrosax. She is also a member of the Val Isonzo wind orchestra and the Transonica Tango orchestra. In 2011, she obtained a second-level academic degree in instrumental music pedagogy at the J. Tomadini Conservatory in Udine. Since 2013, she has been teaching saxophone at the Carducci-Dante music high school in Trieste.

Beatrice Zonta studied at the Slovenian Music Institute of the Music Matica under A. Rojc and graduated with honors from the G. Tartini Conservatory in Trieste. She continued her studies with renowned pedagogues such as A. Valdma (Estonia), M. Volčok (Russia), P. Lang (Austria), I. Lo Porto, R. Risaliti, and L. Toffolo (Italy), with S. Gadijev for piano pedagogy, and with the Trio di Parma for chamber music. She completed her chamber music studies with honors and commendation at the second-level biennium of the B. Marcello Conservatory in Venice in the class of M. Somenzi and received a special scholarship as the best graduate of the academic year. She also graduated with full marks in piano pedagogy at the G. Tartini Conservatory. She has won numerous first prizes at international music competitions (Stresa, Torre Pellice, Gussago, Ispra, Villar Perosa, Rome, Velenje, etc.) and performed for important concert organizations. Her students also frequently receive awards at festivals and music competitions. Since 1991, she has taught piano at the Trieste Music Matica, and since 2017, she has been a piano professor at the Carducci-Dante music high school in Trieste.

Born in Calcutta in 1979, Francesca Cescon studied the flute with E. Carollo and graduated from the B. Marcello Conservatory of Venice in 1999. She subsequently completed her second-level degree in solo performance (with F. Lotti) and chamber music (with L. Messinis), achieving the highest marks in both. She specialized in contemporary music, attending courses with R. Fabbriciani and A. Morini. She participated in a course led by M. Carollo in Metz for Acanthes and attended a masterclass organized by Klangforum Wien within the framework of the Venice Biennale. In Bologna, she attended a contemporary music course organized by the FontanaMIX ensemble. At the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland in Lugano, under the guidance of M. Carollo, she obtained a Master of Advanced Studies in Contemporary Music. She also graduated in literature with a thesis on Luigi Nono and the flute, and earned a degree in musicology and musical heritage with a dissertation entitled "Nono and Dallapiccola, reflections".

Duo Sagitta (Laiza-Chiandotto)
Maria Iaiza is deeply passionate about contemporary music and frequently devotes herself to this repertoire, both as a soloist and in chamber music ensembles. She has performed solo concerts for the DEstate season in Milan, for Bobbio Classica, for the Satierose Festival in Trieste with a premiere by Claudio Ambrosini, and for seasons such as Mittelfest, Piano City Pordenone, Veneto Contemporanea, Approdi, and others. She regularly performs in a piano duo with Luca Chiandotto, particularly in the field of contemporary music, together performing Mantro by K. Stockhausen for the Trieste Prima and Piano City Pordenone festivals. She won first prize for contemporary music at the Città di Treviso international competition. She specialized with A. d'Errico and M. G. Bellocchio in the Divertimento ensemble, and collaborated with composers such as S. Gervasoni, A. Solbiati, and S. Sciarrino. At the G. Tartini Conservatory, she obtained a master's degree in piano with honors under the mentorship of T. Trevisan and a master's degree in chamber music with honors and commendation. She continued her chamber music studies at the Kunstuniversität Graz with C. Chou.

Luca Chiandotto, recipient of the Brunelli Prize in 2018 awarded to the best Italian graduates of the previous year, and finalist of the Bajic Piano Memorial competition in Novi Sad, graduated in 2019 with honors and commendation, performing Bach's Musical Offering. He attended the Trieste Conservatory in the class of F. Zaccaria. The following year, as a student of A. Ikebe at the University of Music in Graz (Kunst Universität Graz), he obtained a postgraduate degree with honors. Renowned professors such as M. Mika, B. Lupo, I. Veneziano, F. Libetta, and D. Rivera have made significant contributions to his education. As a soloist, he performed with the Trieste Conservatory Orchestra in 2016 and with the Belgrade Symphony Orchestra in 2018. He has also performed in seasons such as Asolo Musica, Mittelfest, and ACM Trieste. He has also gained experience in contemporary music, having performed seven world premieres.